Nicos C. Alivizatos is professor (emeritus) of Constitutional Law at the University of Athens.
He was born in Athens on 1949 but his family originates from the islands of Cefalonia and Chios.
He obtained his LL.B. at the University of Athens in 1972 and his PhD (doctorat d’ Etat) at the University of Paris (Paris 2) in 1977.
He is the author of numerous books, including:
- Les institutions politiques de la Grèce à travers les crises, 1922-1974 (Paris, 1979),
- The Constitution and its enemies in modern Greek history , (Greek translation of the previous book, Athens, 1983)
- Which democracy after the crisis? (Athens 2013),
- Pragmatists demagogues and dreamers. Political intellectuals and the challenge of power, (in Greek, Athens, 2011),
- Two steps forward one back. 8+1 turbulent decades, (in Greek, Metaichmio, 2020).
As from 1978 he is an active lawyer and pleads regularly before the Council of State (Greece’s Supreme Administrative Court) and the European Court of Human Rights. Founder and senior partner of Alivizatos, Kiousopoulou and Partners.